The Suburban Subconscious delves into the psychology behind “the American Dream” by exploring subconscious dualities that often hold tension in suburban spaces such as work vs play, individuality vs uniformity, and working-class vs business-class. Applying the surrealist theory of the subconscious mind, where suppressed thoughts, memories, pleasures, and guilts irrationally synthesize, these tensions manifest as a range of monochromatic looks with absurdist accessories. Pulling inspiration from sports culture, utility wear, and business attire, my collection uses mesh jersey, utility canvas, and upcycled button downs. These elements provoke thought about this complex suburban system, critique it, and give visibility to the under-appreciated manual laborers who make the luxury of privatization possible. My customer values quality goods, self-expression, activism, and creativity. Each design is inspired by and made for the community, attempting to both embody and practice democratic accessibility.
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